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Meet The Team

Siobhan Foley has developed, led, and implemented programs and policies for community-based sustainability and resilience for more than 11 years. Recently, Siobhan served as FUSE Fellow to the City of New Orleans where she developed, authored, and launched the City’s first climate action strategy, 50% by 2030: Climate Action for a Resilient New Orleans. Siobhan also coordinated working groups for the Clinton Global Initiative focused on advanced energy, circular economy and housing for U.S. cities and the Action Network for Post-Disaster Recovery in the Caribbean. She led education and outreach at the Center for Sustainable Energy for multiple programs including California’s $40 million statewide marketing, education and outreach program for energy management, the California Solar Initiative and several energy efficiency and electric vehicle programs. Earlier in her career, Siobhan led strategic marketing and communications initiatives in travel, theater, and e-commerce. Siobhan holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration in sustainability management from the Presidio Graduate School and a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University.


Jared Genova is an urban strategy and development consultant based in New Orleans. Recent clients include social impact startups, international development banks, and municipal governments. He formerly served as the Resilience Planning and Strategy Manager for the City of New Orleans, managing the development and implementation of the world's first comprehensive city resilience strategy, Resilient New Orleans, as part of the City’s partnership with 100 Resilient Cities. He was also a co-designer and author of the City's winning entry for the HUD National Disaster Resilience Competition, which yielded more than $140mn for the City of New Orleans, and a co-author and editor of the City’s first climate action strategy, Climate Action for a Resilient New Orleans. Jared has advised and managed urban design, cultural and physical planning, and disaster risk reduction projects across the United States, Caribbean, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Jared holds a bachelor’s degree in Metropolitan Studies and Urban Design + Architecture from New York University (NYU) and Master of Science in Community and Regional Planning from The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture.


A New Orleans native and reformed engineer, Dwight Norton returned home in 2007 to work in the rebuilding and reimagining of the city. After a dozen years in consulting on housing, land-use and transportation planning throughout the U.S., he worked as the mobility coordinator for the City of New Orleans, a first step to link transportation policies and initiatives to be more equitable and effective. He led development of the city’s first bike share system, Blue Bikes, that launched in December 2017 and co-led one of the country's largest demonstration projects to temporarily reconfigure a network of streets for safer transportation choices, called Connect the Crescent. These community development projects are all realized through his collaboration and creative engagement of residents, businesses, advocates and other partners for more meaningful participation and feedback.



Umbrella Collaborative, L3C

New Orleans, Louisiana 70116

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